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United States Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

GMDSS Membership and Meeting Information


The Task Force is open to membership and participation by all interested parties. There are currently more than 5000 members representing government agencies, vessel owners and operators, manufacturers, service agents, trade associations, labor unions, training institutions, and recreational boating enthusiasts. Members are invited to attend meetings, contribute to the agenda by email, and submit issues for consideration by the Task Force.  Members are kept advised through email distribution of meeting announcements, posts of documents of interest, and the Summary Record of meetings. These summaries also serve as newsletters for those who are unable to attend meetings. Most communication with members is by email, however, attendance of meetings either through virtual meeting platforms or in person provides a convenient means for communication and an opportunity to be heard. Task Force documents and significant correspondence are placed on the Coast Guard Maritime Telecommunication section of this website (click on GMDSS, then on GMDSS Task Force).

Task Force Meeting Schedule

The Task Force currently meets three to four times each year. The spring meeting is held
during the RTCM Annual Assembly. The other meetings are typically held virtually or in
Washington DC at the RTCM Headquarters (see On occasion, meetings
may be held in conjunction with other conferences, such as NMEA or in conjunction with other highly attended maritime events, such as Workboat or other boat shows. Task Force participation is open to all interested parties with no fees for participation. Anyone desiring to be placed on distribution for Task Force material should contact the Task Force Director, Bill Cairns, by email at or by phone at (703) 527-2000. Please be prepared to leave a message, which will be returned as soon as possible.

Upcoming Task Force Meetings

  • The next GMDSS Task Force meeting is April 16, 2025 during the RTCM Annual Assembly at the One Ocean Resort and Spa in Atlantic Beach, FL.