News and Notices
Final Rule: Cybersecurity in the Marine Transportation System
The Coast Guard has published a final rule in the Federal Register to update cybersecurity requirements for U.S.-flagged vessels, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, and facilities subject to Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA). You can read the article here.
Friday, January 31, 2025Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Task Force Meeting April16, 2025
The next GMDSS Task Force meeting is April 16, 2025 during the RTCM Annual Assembly at the OneOcean Hotel and Spa in Atlantic Beach, FL. The Task Force currently meets four times each year. The summer and winter meetings are held in the Washington area at the RTCM Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia (see The spring and fall meetings are held during the annual meetings of the RTCM and the NMEA respectively. Task Force participation is open to all interested parties. Anyone desiring to be placed on distribution for Task Force material should contact the Task Force Director, Bill Cairns, by email at, January 6, 2025NAVCEN's upgraded Local Notice to Mariners & Light List application Launching Week of December 2nd
The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is excited to announce the launch of its updated Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light List application during the week of December 2nd, reaffirming our commitment to enhancing access to critical maritime safety information.
This upgraded application allows users to download and print LNMs for entire Coast Guard Districts or define their own area of interest using the GIS tools to zoom in and access localized data. The form section enables users to organize and sort LNMs by waterway or category. For programmatic integration, GeoJSON files will be available to download for data ingestion into other applications.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and are confident this enhanced version will better serve the diverse needs of the maritime community.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Area Maritime Security Committees 2023 Annual Report
The Office of Port and Facility Compliance (CG-FAC) is pleased to announce the publication of a consolidated report on the status and work completed in 2023 by Area Maritime Security Committees.
Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSCs) provide a valuable forum to discuss and address maritime security issues at the port level. The committees are comprised of subject matter experts from all levels of government as well as public and private port stakeholders to ensure the safety, security, and resiliency of our nation’s critical Marine Transportation System (MTS).
Monday, November 18, 2024First Coast Guard District Offshore Wind Energy/Ongoing Work
This guidance is for Private Aids to Navigation applicants requesting Coast Guard approval to provide navigational markings on offshore wind energy area structures in First District-area waters. Read the guidance here.
Thursday, November 14, 2024Space Force Space Systems Command (SSC) 2023 GPS Public Interface Control Working Group Notes
Space Force Space Systems Command (SSC) has released minutes and documents from the 2023 meeting of the GPS Public Interface Control Working Group (PICWG). Minutes and file can be found here.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024GPS Block IIF Satellite Antenna Patterns
The Space Systems Center (SSC) of U.S. Space Force has released the Boeing Global Positioning System (GPS) Block II Follow-on (IIF) satellite antenna patterns for world-wide public use. The culmination of a multi-year, interagency effort, the NAVCEN's website is now complete with antenna patterns for all GPS satellites. You may view the antenna patterns on the GPS Technical References page here under GPS-IIF Satellites: Antenna Patterns for L1, L2 and L5.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023Reducing Vessel Strikes of Atlantic Right Whales
Click on the hyperlinks to view the 2005 and 2007 PARS Reports for Reducing Vessel Strikes of Atlantic Right Whales.
Thursday, March 9, 2023Visit the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Facebook page.
Click on this link.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022U.S. Space Force Roadmap
The U.S. Space Force has released a roadmap of the GPS enterprise running through the end of FY-28.
Monday, January 10, 2022