Navigation Center
United States Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

AIS Historical Request Form

Navigation Center Website Privacy Act Statement

Authority: 5 U.S.C 301; 14 U.S.C. 93(a) and (c); 14 U.S.C 632; 33 U.S.C 1223

Purpose: The Coast Guard Navigation Center will use this information to disseminate navigation safety notices and updates to individuals upon request and to receive reports of aid to navigation outages, issues or discrepancies.

Routine Uses: Coast Guard personnel will use this information to disseminate safety notices and updates and to aid in the repair or investigate reports of navigation outages, issues or discrepancies. Any external disclosures of data within this record will be made in accordance with DHS/ALL-002, Department of Homeland Security General Contact Lists, 73 Federal Register 71659, November 25, 2008, and DHS/USCG-013, Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement System of Records, 74 Federal Register 30305, June 25, 2009.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may hinder your request for navigation safety related information.

NOTE TO ALL USERS: If you are experiencing difficulty in submitting this Historical Data Request Form, click here to contact us and report the issue.

Processing and delivery times vary depending on the complexity of the request, size of geographic area, length of time requested, and availability of staff.

Click here to view an example of a typical historical data request with estimated processing times based on the type of formatting selected. Please note that the data processing times DO NOT include the approval processing time. It could take up to 10 additional business days to receive final approval for each request.

All fields indicated by an asterisk are required for a valid submission. Please review the AIS Data Sharing Categories and Requirements .

* Denotes required fields.

Today's Date

Please enter agency name and mailing address
Please enter Individual's Full Name submitting the request.
Please enter your government email address.
Enter full name of technical point of contact.
Enter email for technical point of contact.
4c) To gain a better understanding of how our products are used, are you open to sharing your final report/product with us?
5) Do you have GIS capabilities?

6) In what format (AIS DATA Formats) would you prefer the data?
Please check the appropriate box(es) as they apply to your specific request. (Please keep in mind that the processing time/level of effort (LOE) may increase with each additional option selected.)
Select Heat Map Grid Cell Size(s) in degrees

Choose at least one. Grid Cell Size refers to the size of the area cell used for the aggregate number of messages received per requested element (messages, vessels, transits, etc.). If unsure, the default option is suitable for most purposes.
Please select the preferred graphic format
Background imagery refers to the physical appearance of the maps on which the data will be displayed.
Sample Rate refers to the interval length between position reports used in the creation of each individual request.

9a) From Date

NOTE: We can provide up to three (3) years of AIS data beginning approximately from today's date. Please indicate your desired data range.

9b) To Date

NOTE: We can provide AIS data up to the current date. Please indicate your desired date range.
Specify time frame in ZULU/UTC format
Example: Start Time: 0000Z End Time: 2359Z. Click here for the Time Conversion Table
(All AIS data is stored in ZULU/UTC format.)

10) Anticipated Delivery Date

NOTE: Customers should plan for a minimum of 45 days processing time. To ensure all protocols are met and the best available data is retrieved, each data request must be approved., processed, and analyzed individually.

If your data request requires special processing(i.e., earlier delivery date, different formats, narrowed criteria, etc.), please note this information in the "Additional Comments" text box below.

12) Defined Box
To define a box, please use the map below, or enter Decimal and Degrees(DD) of requested area in the following fields. NOTE: Please enter numbers only. If you need assistance in converting, please click HERE.
To use the map, locate the Draw Rectangle tool () on the left side. Click the tool, then click on the map to set the upper left corner of your requested area. Then move the mouse to the bottom right corner of your requested area and click once more. The coordinates of the area you selected will automatically appear in the appropriate form fields. You can use the Remove Layers tool to remove an area as well. Click on the Remove Layers tool (Atoms/Icons/Tools/EraserCreated with Sketch.), then click on the area to remove, then click Finish.

(An value from -90.00000 to +90.00000. Ex.: 59.12345)
(Any value from -180.00000 to +180.00000. Ex.: 169.12345)
(Any value from -90.00000 to +90.00000. Ex.: 75.12345)
(Any value from -180.00000 to +180.00000. Ex.: 132.12345)
(e.g., New York Harbor, Lower Mississippi River, or UNKNOWN)
(i.e. Vessel Name, IMO, or Call Sign)
(i.e, vessels traveling at a certain speed, vessels heading in certain directions, certain draft, fishing, at anchor, etc.)

If you experience any issues in submitting this request, please Contact Us.