District 7 Broadcast Notice to Mariners Message
Message Originator: D7
1. Space capsule reentry operations which may be hazardous to surface vessels
will be conducted for the reentry of Dragon Crew-9 within portions of one of
the following reentry sites:
A: Offshore Panama City:
From 29-54-25N/086-10-58W
29-42-57N/086-24-07W to beginning
B: Offshore Pensacola:
From 29-59-27N/087-30-00W
29-48-00N/087-43-08W to beginning
C: Offshore Tallahassee:
From 29-28-26N/084-12-00W
29-16-58N/084-25-04W to beginning
D: Offshore Tampa:
From 28-17-27N/083-54-00W
28-06-00N/084-06-57W to beginning
E: Offshore Tortuga:
From 25-18-35N/083-00-00W
25-08-06N/083-13-11W to beginning
2. The Hazard periods for the primary reentry opportunity and any backup
reentry opportunities are as follow (all times are represented as Zulu time
unless otherwise indicated):
A: Offshore Panama City
18/2155 MAR 25 to 18/2225 MAR 25.
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
20/0545 MAR 25 to 20/0615 MAR 25.
20/2105 MAR 25 to 20/2200 MAR 25.
B: Offshore Pensacola
18/2200 MAR 25 to 18/2230 MAR 25.
19/0615 MAR 25 to 19/0645 MAR 25.
20/2110 MAR 25 to 20/2205 MAR 25.
C: Offshore Tallahassee
18/2145 MAR 25 to 18/2215 MAR 25.
19/0605 MAR 25 to 19/0635 MAR 25.
19/2120 MAR 25 to 19/2150 MAR 25.
20/2055 MAR 25 to 20/2150 MAR 25.
D: Offshore Tampa
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
19/2115 MAR 25 to 19/2145 MAR 25.
20/2050 MAR 25 to 20/2145 MAR 25.
E: Offshore Tortuga
19/0620 MAR 25 to 19/0650 MAR 25.
19/2055 MAR 25 to 19/2125 MAR 25.
20/0550 MAR 25 to 20/0625 MAR 25.
20/2030 MAR 25 to 20/2105 MAR 25.
3. The identified locations in paragraph 1 are designated a hazardous warning
area for space vehicle reentry. A space vehicle may reenter within this area
between the dates and times listed. The U.S. Coast Guard is establishing this
hazardous warning area to protect vessels and waterway users from the
potential hazards created by reentry vehicle splashdowns and recovery
4. The U.S. Coast Guard is providing this notice to advise mariners of these
hazardous areas and safety zones which may impact navigation interests.
Navigations hazards from space capsule reentry activities may include free
falling debris and/or descending vehicles or vehicle components under various
means of control. Mariners are urged to avoid the reentry sites during
reentry windows as detailed above.
5. For further information about the reentry safety zones, mariners may
contact U.S. Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville Command Center at (904) 714-7500
for zones off Florida East Coast and U.S. Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg
at (727) 824-7574 for zones off Florida West Coast. For further information
about the space vehicle, please visit www.spacex.com. For navigational
safety, mariners are advised to refer to the geospatial chart at
www.navcen.uscg.gov/chart for information on Space Launch and Recovery
Operations (SOLAR).
CANCEL AT//202205Z MAR 25//
Message Originator: St. Petersburg
1. Space capsule reentry operations which may be hazardous to surface vessels
will be conducted for the reentry of Dragon Crew-9 within portions of one of
the following reentry sites:
A: Offshore Panama City:
From 29-54-25N/086-10-58W
29-42-57N/086-24-07W to beginning
B: Offshore Pensacola:
From 29-59-27N/087-30-00W
29-48-00N/087-43-08W to beginning
C: Offshore Tallahassee:
From 29-28-26N/084-12-00W
29-16-58N/084-25-04W to beginning
D: Offshore Tampa:
From 28-17-27N/083-54-00W
28-06-00N/084-06-57W to beginning
E: Offshore Tortuga:
From 25-18-35N/083-00-00W
25-08-06N/083-13-11W to beginning
2. The Hazard periods for the primary reentry opportunity and any backup
reentry opportunities are as follow (all times are represented as Zulu time
unless otherwise indicated):
A: Offshore Panama City
18/2155 MAR 25 to 18/2225 MAR 25.
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
20/0545 MAR 25 to 20/0615 MAR 25.
20/2105 MAR 25 to 20/2200 MAR 25.
B: Offshore Pensacola
18/2200 MAR 25 to 18/2230 MAR 25.
19/0615 MAR 25 to 19/0645 MAR 25.
20/2110 MAR 25 to 20/2205 MAR 25.
C: Offshore Tallahassee
18/2145 MAR 25 to 18/2215 MAR 25.
19/0605 MAR 25 to 19/0635 MAR 25.
19/2120 MAR 25 to 19/2150 MAR 25.
20/2055 MAR 25 to 20/2150 MAR 25.
D: Offshore Tampa
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
19/2115 MAR 25 to 19/2145 MAR 25.
20/2050 MAR 25 to 20/2145 MAR 25.
E: Offshore Tortuga
19/0620 MAR 25 to 19/0650 MAR 25.
19/2055 MAR 25 to 19/2125 MAR 25.
20/0550 MAR 25 to 20/0625 MAR 25.
20/2030 MAR 25 to 20/2105 MAR 25.
3. The identified locations in paragraph 1 are designated a hazardous warning
area for space vehicle reentry. A space vehicle may reenter within this area
between the dates and times listed. The U.S. Coast Guard is establishing this
hazardous warning area to protect vessels and waterway users from the
potential hazards created by reentry vehicle splashdowns and recovery
4. The U.S. Coast Guard is providing this notice to advise mariners of these
hazardous areas and safety zones which may impact navigation interests.
Navigations hazards from space capsule reentry activities may include free
falling debris and/or descending vehicles or vehicle components under various
means of control. Mariners are urged to avoid the reentry sites during
reentry windows as detailed above.
5. For further information about the reentry safety zones, mariners may
contact U.S. Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville Command Center at (904) 714-7500
for zones off Florida East Coast and U.S. Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg
at (727) 824-7574 for zones off Florida West Coast. For further information
about the space vehicle, please visit www.spacex.com. For navigational
safety, mariners are advised to refer to the geospatial chart at
www.navcen.uscg.gov/chart for information on Space Launch and Recovery
Operations (SOLAR).
CANCEL AT//202205Z MAR 25//
Message Originator: Key West
1. Space capsule reentry operations which may be hazardous to surface vessels
will be conducted for the reentry of Dragon Crew-9 within portions of one of
the following reentry sites:
A: Offshore Panama City:
From 29-54-25N/086-10-58W
29-42-57N/086-24-07W to beginning
B: Offshore Pensacola:
From 29-59-27N/087-30-00W
29-48-00N/087-43-08W to beginning
C: Offshore Tallahassee:
From 29-28-26N/084-12-00W
29-16-58N/084-25-04W to beginning
D: Offshore Tampa:
From 28-17-27N/083-54-00W
28-06-00N/084-06-57W to beginning
E: Offshore Tortuga:
From 25-18-35N/083-00-00W
25-08-06N/083-13-11W to beginning
2. The Hazard periods for the primary reentry opportunity and any backup
reentry opportunities are as follow (all times are represented as Zulu time
unless otherwise indicated):
A: Offshore Panama City
18/2155 MAR 25 to 18/2225 MAR 25.
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
20/0545 MAR 25 to 20/0615 MAR 25.
20/2105 MAR 25 to 20/2200 MAR 25.
B: Offshore Pensacola
18/2200 MAR 25 to 18/2230 MAR 25.
19/0615 MAR 25 to 19/0645 MAR 25.
20/2110 MAR 25 to 20/2205 MAR 25.
C: Offshore Tallahassee
18/2145 MAR 25 to 18/2215 MAR 25.
19/0605 MAR 25 to 19/0635 MAR 25.
19/2120 MAR 25 to 19/2150 MAR 25.
20/2055 MAR 25 to 20/2150 MAR 25.
D: Offshore Tampa
19/0610 MAR 25 to 19/0640 MAR 25.
19/2115 MAR 25 to 19/2145 MAR 25.
20/2050 MAR 25 to 20/2145 MAR 25.
E: Offshore Tortuga
19/0620 MAR 25 to 19/0650 MAR 25.
19/2055 MAR 25 to 19/2125 MAR 25.
20/0550 MAR 25 to 20/0625 MAR 25.
20/2030 MAR 25 to 20/2105 MAR 25.
3. The identified locations in paragraph 1 are designated a hazardous warning
area for space vehicle reentry. A space vehicle may reenter within this area
between the dates and times listed. The U.S. Coast Guard is establishing this
hazardous warning area to protect vessels and waterway users from the
potential hazards created by reentry vehicle splashdowns and recovery
4. The U.S. Coast Guard is providing this notice to advise mariners of these
hazardous areas and safety zones which may impact navigation interests.
Navigations hazards from space capsule reentry activities may include free
falling debris and/or descending vehicles or vehicle components under various
means of control. Mariners are urged to avoid the reentry sites during
reentry windows as detailed above.
5. For further information about the reentry safety zones, mariners may
contact U.S. Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville Command Center at (904) 714-7500
for zones off Florida East Coast and U.S. Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg
at (727) 824-7574 for zones off Florida West Coast. For further information
about the space vehicle, please visit www.spacex.com. For navigational
safety, mariners are advised to refer to the geospatial chart at
www.navcen.uscg.gov/chart for information on Space Launch and Recovery
Operations (SOLAR).
CANCEL AT//202205Z MAR 25//