Navigation Center
United States Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Coast Guard District Boundaries & Contact Information


All contact information listed is directed to the USCG District Offices of Aids to Navigation.

The First Coast Guard District, with the District office in Boston, Massachusetts, is comprised of: Maine; New Hampshire; Vermont; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; Connecticut; New York except that part north of latitude 42 degrees North and west of longitude 74-39'West; that part of New Jersey north of 40-18'North latitude, east of 74-27'West longitude, and northeast of a line from 40-18'North, 74-27'West north west to the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania boundaries at Tristate; all U.S. naval reservations on shore at Newfoundland; the ocean area encompassed by the Search and Rescue boundary between Canada and the United States easterly to longitude 63 degrees West; thence due south to latitude 41 degrees North; thence southwesterly along a line bearing 219 degrees True to the point of intersection at 36-43'North latitude, 67-30'West latitude with a line bearing 122 degrees True from the New Jersey shoreline at 40-18'North latitude (in the vicinity of Tom's River, New Jersey); thence northwesterly along this line to the coast.

Contact Information:
408 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110-3350
Phone: (617) 223-8356

The Fifth Coast Guard District, with district office in Portsmouth, Virginia, is comprised of: North Carolina; Virginia; District of Columbia; Maryland; Delaware; that part of Pennsylvania east of a line drawn along 78[deg]55[min] W. longitude south to 41[deg]00[min] N. latitude, thence west to 79[deg]00[min] W. longitude, and thence south to the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary; that portion of New Jersey that lies south and west of a line drawn from the New Jersey shoreline at 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River), thence westward to 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude, 74[deg]30.5[min] W. longitude, thence north-northwesterly to the junction of the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania boundaries at Tristate; and the ocean area encompassed by a line bearing 122[deg]T from the coastal end of the First and Fifth Districts' land boundary at the intersection of the New Jersey shoreline and 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River) to the southernmost point in the First Coast Guard District (a point located at approximately 37[deg] N. latitude, 67[deg]13[min] W. longitude); thence along a line bearing 219[deg]T to the point of intersection with the ocean boundary between the Fifth and Seventh Coast Guard Districts, which is defined as a line bearing 122[deg]T from the coastal end of the Fifth and Seventh Districts' land boundary at the shoreline at the North Carolina-South Carolina border, point located at approximately 30[deg]55[min] N. 73[deg] W.; thence northwesterly along this line to the coast. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10347, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21, 1987; 52 FR 16480, May 5, 1987; CGD 87-008b, 52 FR 25217, July 6, 1987; CGD 96-016, 61 FR 21959, May 13, 1996]

Contact Information:
431 Crawford Street
Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004
Phone: (757)-398-6229

The Seventh Coast Guard District, with district office in Miami, Florida, is comprised of: South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, Except west of a line from the intersection of the Florida coast with longitude 83-50'West due north to a position 30-15'North, 83-50'West; thence due west to the position 30-15'North, 84-45'West; thence due north to the intersection with the south shore of Jim Woodruff Reservoir; thence along the east bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir and the east bank of the Flint River upstream to Montezuma, Georgia; thence to West Point, Georgia; the Panama Canal Zone; Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; the U.S. naval reservations in the islands of the West Indies and on the north coast of South America; and the ocean areas that are encompassed by a line bearing 122 degrees True from coastal end of the Fifth and Seventh Coast Guard District land boundary of the National Maritime Search and Rescue Region; thence along the eastern and the offshore boundary between the Seventh and Eighth Coast Guard Districts that is defined as a line that extends 199 degrees True from the coastal end of the Seventh and Eighth Coast Guard District land boundary; thence along this line to the coast.

Contact Information:
Brickell Plaza Federal Building, 909 SE 1st Avenue, Room 406
Miami, Florida 33131-3028
Phone: (305) 415-6750

The Eighth Coast Guard District, with district office in New Orleans, LA, is comprised of: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; that part of Pennsylvania south of 41° N. latitude and west of 79° W. longitude; those parts of Ohio and Indiana south of 41° N. latitude; Illinois, except that part north of 41° N. latitude and east of 90° W. longitude; that part of Wisconsin south of 46°20′ N. latitude and west of 90° W. longitude; that part of Minnesota south of 46°20′ N. latitude; those parts of Florida and Georgia west of a line starting at the Florida coast at longitude 084°04′34″ W. (30°05′45″ N., 084°04′34″ W.) proceeding northerly along the boundary between Wakulla and Jefferson counties to position 30°15′00″ N., 084°04′33″ W.; thence due west to 30°15′ N. latitude, 84°45′ W. longitude; thence due north to the southern bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir at 84°45′ W. longitude; thence northeasterly along the eastern bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir and northerly along the eastern bank of the Flint River to Montezuma, GA.; thence northwesterly to West Point, GA.; and the Gulf of America area west of a line proceeding due south from the intersection of the Florida coast at longitude 084°04′34″ W. (30°15′45″ N., 084°04′34″ W.) to position 29°23′09″ N., 084°04′34″ W., then bearing 199°T to the extent of the EEZ.

Contact Information:
500 Poydras St
New Orleans, LA 70130-3319
Phone: (504) 671-2327

The Ninth Coast Guard District, with district office in Cleveland, Ohio is comprised of: Michigan; New York north of latitude 42 degrees North and west of longitude 74-39'West; Pennsylvania north of latitude 41 degrees North and west of longitude 78-55'West; Ohio and Indiana north of latitude 41 degrees North; Illinois north of latitude 41 degrees North and east of longitude 90 degrees West; Wisconsin, except south of latitude 46-20'North and west of longitude 90 degrees West; and Minnesota north of latitude 46-20'North.

Contact Information:
1240 East Ninth Street
Cleveland, OH 44199-2060
Phone: (216) 902-6069

The Eleventh Coast Guard District, with district office in Alameda, California, is comprised of: Arizona; Utah; Nevada; California; and the ocean area bounded by a line for the California-Oregon state line westerly to 40 degrees North latitude, 150 degrees West longitude; thence southeasterly to 5 degrees South latitude, 110 degrees West longitude; thence northeasterly to the border between Guatemala and Mexico on the Pacific Coast (14-38'North, 92-19'West longitude).

Contact Information:
Coast Guard Island Building 50-2
Alameda, CA 94501-5100
Phone: (510) 437-2980

The Thirteenth Coast Guard District, with district office in Seattle, Washington, is comprised of: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana; the ocean area that is bounded by a line from the California-Oregon State line westerly to latitude 40 degrees North, longitude 150 degrees West; thence northeasterly to latitude 54-40'North, longitude 140 degrees West; thence due east to the Canadian coast.

Contact Information:
915 Second Avenue, 35th Floor, Rm 3510
Seattle, Washington 98174-1067
Phone: (206) 220-7280

The Fourteenth Coast Guard District, with District office in Honolulu, Hawaii, is comprised of: the State of Hawaii, the Pacific island possessions of the United Stated south of latitude 40 degrees North and west of a line that runs from 40 degrees North, 150 degrees West through latitude 5 Degrees South, 110 degrees West; the ocean area west and south of a line that runs from position 51 degrees North, 158 degrees East to position 43 degrees North, 165 degrees East; thence due south to latitude 40 degrees North; thence due east to longitude 150 degrees West; then southeasterly through latitude 5 degrees South, longitude 110 degrees West.

Contact Information:
300 Ala Moana Boulevard 9-216
Honolulu, HI 96850-4982
Phone: (808) 535-3408

The Seventeenth Coast Guard District, with district office in Juneau, Alaska, is comprised of: Alaska; the ocean area that is bounded by a line from the Canadian coast at latitude 54-40'North, due west to longitude 140 degrees West; thence southwesterly to position 40 degrees north, 150 degrees West; thence due west to position 40 degrees North, 165 degrees East; thence due north to latitude 43 degrees North; thence northwesterly to 51 degrees North, 158 degrees East; thence north and east along the coastline of the continent of Asia to the easternmost point of East Cape; thence north to the Arctic Ocean.

Contact Information:
709 W 9th ST
Juneau, AK 99802-1668
Phone: (907) 463-2269