All contact information listed is directed to the USCG District Offices of Aids to Navigation. The Fifth Coast Guard District, with district office in Portsmouth, Virginia, is comprised of: North Carolina; Virginia; District of Columbia; Maryland; Delaware; that part of Pennsylvania east of a line drawn along 78[deg]55[min] W. longitude south to 41[deg]00[min] N. latitude, thence west to 79[deg]00[min] W. longitude, and thence south to the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary; that portion of New Jersey that lies south and west of a line drawn from the New Jersey shoreline at 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River), thence westward to 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude, 74[deg]30.5[min] W. longitude, thence north-northwesterly to the junction of the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania boundaries at Tristate; and the ocean area encompassed by a line bearing 122[deg]T from the coastal end of the First and Fifth Districts' land boundary at the intersection of the New Jersey shoreline and 40[deg]18[min] N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River) to the southernmost point in the First Coast Guard District (a point located at approximately 37[deg] N. latitude, 67[deg]13[min] W. longitude); thence along a line bearing 219[deg]T to the point of intersection with the ocean boundary between the Fifth and Seventh Coast Guard Districts, which is defined as a line bearing 122[deg]T from the coastal end of the Fifth and Seventh Districts' land boundary at the shoreline at the North Carolina-South Carolina border, point located at approximately 30[deg]55[min] N. 73[deg] W.; thence northwesterly along this line to the coast. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10347, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. 21, 1987; 52 FR 16480, May 5, 1987; CGD 87-008b, 52 FR 25217, July 6, 1987; CGD 96-016, 61 FR 21959, May 13, 1996] Contact Information: The Seventh Coast Guard District, with district office in Miami, Florida, is comprised of: South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, Except west of a line from the intersection of the Florida coast with longitude 83-50'West due north to a position 30-15'North, 83-50'West; thence due west to the position 30-15'North, 84-45'West; thence due north to the intersection with the south shore of Jim Woodruff Reservoir; thence along the east bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir and the east bank of the Flint River upstream to Montezuma, Georgia; thence to West Point, Georgia; the Panama Canal Zone; Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; the U.S. naval reservations in the islands of the West Indies and on the north coast of South America; and the ocean areas that are encompassed by a line bearing 122 degrees True from coastal end of the Fifth and Seventh Coast Guard District land boundary of the National Maritime Search and Rescue Region; thence along the eastern and the offshore boundary between the Seventh and Eighth Coast Guard Districts that is defined as a line that extends 199 degrees True from the coastal end of the Seventh and Eighth Coast Guard District land boundary; thence along this line to the coast. The Eighth Coast Guard District, with district office in New Orleans, LA, is comprised of: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; that part of Pennsylvania south of 41° N. latitude and west of 79° W. longitude; those parts of Ohio and Indiana south of 41° N. latitude; Illinois, except that part north of 41° N. latitude and east of 90° W. longitude; that part of Wisconsin south of 46°20′ N. latitude and west of 90° W. longitude; that part of Minnesota south of 46°20′ N. latitude; those parts of Florida and Georgia west of a line starting at the Florida coast at longitude 084°04′34″ W. (30°05′45″ N., 084°04′34″ W.) proceeding northerly along the boundary between Wakulla and Jefferson counties to position 30°15′00″ N., 084°04′33″ W.; thence due west to 30°15′ N. latitude, 84°45′ W. longitude; thence due north to the southern bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir at 84°45′ W. longitude; thence northeasterly along the eastern bank of the Jim Woodruff Reservoir and northerly along the eastern bank of the Flint River to Montezuma, GA.; thence northwesterly to West Point, GA.; and the Gulf of America area west of a line proceeding due south from the intersection of the Florida coast at longitude 084°04′34″ W. (30°15′45″ N., 084°04′34″ W.) to position 29°23′09″ N., 084°04′34″ W., then bearing 199°T to the extent of the EEZ. The Ninth Coast Guard District, with district office in Cleveland, Ohio is comprised of: Michigan; New York north of latitude 42 degrees North and west of longitude 74-39'West; Pennsylvania north of latitude 41 degrees North and west of longitude 78-55'West; Ohio and Indiana north of latitude 41 degrees North; Illinois north of latitude 41 degrees North and east of longitude 90 degrees West; Wisconsin, except south of latitude 46-20'North and west of longitude 90 degrees West; and Minnesota north of latitude 46-20'North. The Eleventh Coast Guard District, with district office in Alameda, California, is comprised of: Arizona; Utah; Nevada; California; and the ocean area bounded by a line for the California-Oregon state line westerly to 40 degrees North latitude, 150 degrees West longitude; thence southeasterly to 5 degrees South latitude, 110 degrees West longitude; thence northeasterly to the border between Guatemala and Mexico on the Pacific Coast (14-38'North, 92-19'West longitude). The Thirteenth Coast Guard District, with district office in Seattle, Washington, is comprised of: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana; the ocean area that is bounded by a line from the California-Oregon State line westerly to latitude 40 degrees North, longitude 150 degrees West; thence northeasterly to latitude 54-40'North, longitude 140 degrees West; thence due east to the Canadian coast. The Fourteenth Coast Guard District, with District office in Honolulu, Hawaii, is comprised of: the State of Hawaii, the Pacific island possessions of the United Stated south of latitude 40 degrees North and west of a line that runs from 40 degrees North, 150 degrees West through latitude 5 Degrees South, 110 degrees West; the ocean area west and south of a line that runs from position 51 degrees North, 158 degrees East to position 43 degrees North, 165 degrees East; thence due south to latitude 40 degrees North; thence due east to longitude 150 degrees West; then southeasterly through latitude 5 degrees South, longitude 110 degrees West. The Seventeenth Coast Guard District, with district office in Juneau, Alaska, is comprised of: Alaska; the ocean area that is bounded by a line from the Canadian coast at latitude 54-40'North, due west to longitude 140 degrees West; thence southwesterly to position 40 degrees north, 150 degrees West; thence due west to position 40 degrees North, 165 degrees East; thence due north to latitude 43 degrees North; thence northwesterly to 51 degrees North, 158 degrees East; thence north and east along the coastline of the continent of Asia to the easternmost point of East Cape; thence north to the Arctic Ocean. |